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Elizabeth's New Life Center | Unity Award

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Home > About U1 > News & Events > Elizabeth's New Life Center | Unity Award

KETTERING, Ohio - Alter and Fairmont high clashed on the court at Trent Arena Dec. 13, the Alter Lancerettes in Santa costumes stole the halftime show, and the rivals celebrated together their eighth annual Unity campaign with the $1,000 Unity Award presentation to Elizabeth's New Life Center.

Elizabeth's New Life Center Unity Award Photo

“Unity in the Community” is a partnership between Archbishop Alter and Fairmont High Schools, Community Blood Center, and Universal 1 Credit Union. Both schools host fall blood drives and alternate choosing a charity to receive the $1,000 award sponsored by Universal 1.

The Oct. 13 Alter Unity blood drive and the Oct. 20 Fairmont Unity blood drive combined to register 205 donors, including 165 blood donations, and 100 first time donors. Fairmont’s 167 donor participation was the second biggest CBC high school blood drive of the fall.

As the host school this year, Alter chose the Elizabeth’s New Life Center for the Unity Award. The center has been serving at-risk pregnant women since 1989.

“We’re a pregnancy resource center,” said ultrasound consultant Diane Stroud. “We meet the women were they’re at and try to help them.”

“We offer parenting classes, we have the ‘baby boutique’ where they can get clothes, diapers, wipes, furniture, basically support their whole pregnancy,” said lead consultant Morgan Berning. “The money goes to good use because everything is expensive.”

“It’s something we’ve always supported, supporting women and families,” said Alter High blood drive coordinator and school nurse Jeanne Kernan.

Last year Fairmont chose the Batten Disease Support and Research Association to receive the Unity Award.

Participating in the award presentation: Fairmont seniors Mallory McCall, Annabel Shone, & Cassidy Cordell, Alter High nurse and blood drive coordinator Jeanne Kernan, Alter Cure Club students: Madeline Maffett and Alexandra Volk , Kristen Marshall from Universal 1 Credit Union, Donna Teuscher from CBC, and Elizabeth’s New Life Center’s Diane Stroud and Morgan Berning.

Elizabeth's New Life Center Unity Photo

Blood donation requirements: Donors are required to provide a photo ID that includes their full name. Past CBC donors are also asked to bring their CBC donor ID card. Donors must be at least 17 years of age (16 years old with parental consent: form available at www.givingblood.org or at the Dayton CBC and mobile blood drive locations), weigh a minimum of 110 pounds (you may have to weigh more depending on your height), and be in good physical health. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) changes blood donor eligibility guidelines periodically. Individuals with eligibility questions can email canidonate@cbccts.org or call (937) 461-3220. Make an appointment at www.DonorTime.com.

Community Blood Center/Community Tissue Services® is an independent, not-for-profit organization. Community Blood Center provides blood products to partner hospitals and health centers within its 15-county service area of western Ohio and eastern Indiana and to select hospitals and blood centers outside the region. For more information visit www.givingblood.org.


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