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Grow Your Savings With Ease

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Transform your future 

We all know saving can be hard, that’s why U1 Savings accounts come without a monthly service fee. All you need is $5 to start saving for special events, vacations or an emergency fund. As your account grows over time, you can start to earn dividends that help you reach some of your bigger goals, like buying a car or a bucket-list trip! 

If you’re looking for other ways to save and earn more, check out our Money Market accounts and Certificates below.

Start Saving

Simple Savings

Our primary Savings helps you reach your goals faster. Plus, you automatically become a member upon opening a Savings account. 

  • Earn dividends with $300 or more in your account
  • $0 Monthly Fee
  • $5 Minimum balance
  • ATM Card



Money Market

Are you a savvy saver? Are you looking to earn more from your Savings account? The more you save, the more you earn from our tiered rates!

  • 6 Dividend Rates
  • Tier 1: $2,000.01 - $10,000
  • Tier 2: $10,000.01 - $25,000
  • Tier 3: $25,000.01 - $50,000
  • Tier 4: $50,000.01 - $100,000
  • Tier 5: $100,000.01 - $250,000
  • Tier 6: $250,000.01+




Wanting a more secure and stable way to save? Certificates are ideal for funds you don’t need right away. You’ll earn a guaranteed rate for the term of your certificate.

  • 6-60 month terms
  • Short-term: 6-12 months
  • Mid-term: 12-24 months
  • Long-term: 30-60 months



Savings Rates

Savings Accounts
Effective Date: Tuesday, March 25th, 2025
TypeMin. BalanceRateAPY
Tier 1 $5.00 - -
Tier 2 $300.00 0.05% 0.05%
Tier 3 $10,000.01 0.10% 0.10%
Tier 4 $50,000.01 0.15% 0.15%
Vacation & Holiday $50.00 0.10% 0.10%

Money Market Rates

Money Market
TypeMin. BalanceRateAPY
Tier 1 $2,000.00 2.00% 2.02%
Tier 2 $10,000.01 2.10% 2.12%
Tier 3 $25,000.01 2.20% 2.22%
Tier 4 $50,000.01 2.30% 2.32%
Tier 5 $100,000.01 2.40% 2.43%
Tier 6 $250,000.01 2.50% 2.53%
APY = Annual Percentage Yield
Money Market - Dividends paid monthly. A minimum deposit of $2,000 is required to open the account. Fees could reduce earnings.

Certificate Rates

TermMin. BalanceRateAPY
6 Months $1,000.00 3.90% 3.97%
7 Months $1,000.00 3.90% 3.97%
12 Month Money Saver $25.00 1.60% 1.61%
12 Months $500.00 3.80% 3.87%
13 Months $1,000.00 3.80% 3.87%
18 Months $1,000.00 3.70% 3.76%
24 & 30 Months $1,000.00 3.65% 3.71%
36 Months $1,000.00 3.50% 3.56%
48 Months $1,000.00 3.35% 3.40%
60 Months $1,000.00 3.35% 3.40%
HSA 3 Month Certificate $1,000.00 1.00% 1.00%
APY = Annual Percentage Yield
Certificates - Dividends paid monthly. Early withdrawals of Certificates are subject to substantial interest penalties.

Need help choosing a Savings account? Our dedicated member services team is here to help! Send us a chat message, schedule an appointment, email or give us a call.

memberservices@u1cu.org   |   800-762-9555 opt. 0

APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Tiers 1-4 apply to Savings and Savings Plus accounts only. APY on the average daily balance of $300.00 or more on Savings and Savings Plus accounts, paid monthly.  Dividends paid monthly. Early withdrawals of Certificates are subject to substantial dividend penalties.

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U1 membership eligibility is available through many outlets. Find out how to become a
U1 member here.

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